Friday, October 24, 2008

Supporting Palin...kinda

I know it's been a while since I contributed, and I will eventually get back to that telling bit on the Zapatistas but I feel that there's an issue that's really irked me about this campaign. It is rare that I bring gossip blogs but while at work, a fellow employee were on our break and she brought me to her computer to show me something bizarre that was going on in her pop-centric life: Perez Hilton was writing on Palin's $150,000 wardrobe. At that point, I'd heard that story enough.
Sexism in the campaign is rarely that blatant, especially on a target that can be attacked on a myriad of issues (education, ties to corporatism in the oil industry, a bridge to nowhere and worst of all her stance on women's rights) but instead, a simple approach of attacking fashion was taken. I understand that Senator Obama has and hopefully doesn't address that, but why are we straying from the issues at hand. In what may be the election that defines our generation, we are going to address an issue of materialism? That is sickening. What may be worst, of course, is that in this discourse is that not once where the male candidates questioned on their expenses on clothes. To be fair, Obama's good looks have to translate to some expense, but does anyone take issue to that? I think not.