Monday, April 28, 2008

Why is America Afraid of Witches?

I’m sorry, did I say witches, I meant union leaders, did I say union leaders, I must have misspoken again, I clearly meant socialists, whoops, I didn’t mean socialists I meant the Japanese (the “fifth column”), wait, sorry again I didn’t mean Japanese I meant communists, remember them, oh wait, sorry my mistake again, what I really meant was Muslims.

America likes having a witch; it’s sadly as simple as that. Throughout our history we see, time and again, how certain groups are vilified in the public eye and often times persecuted for no legal reason. Take for example, the recent opening of a school in New York which was set up to teach the same curriculum as other schools with one difference, half of the curriculum would be taught in Arabic, with the idea being that by the time students graduated they would be fluent in both English and Arabic (a great idea considering how linguistically deficient Americans are). This isn’t anything new in New York, there are similar schools set up using Russian, Spanish, and other languages in the same way.

But what you may not know, and what our good friends Mr. Pipes and David Horowitz are more than willing to teach you, is that this school is not set up for education purposes. Nope, according to them this school is part of a “soft-jihad” which is designed to implement sharia law in the US. Sound familiar? How about phrased this way, replacing a few phrases. Instead of school use strikes, instead of soft-jihad use revolution, and instead of sharia law use socialism

Now you get, these strikes are part of a revolution which is designed to implement socialism in the US. Or how about this one: these women refusing to go to church is part of an attempt by Satan to corrupt the minds of the children in the US… and the list goes on.

The point I’m trying to make is this; since 9/11 there has been a general atmosphere or fear, intolerance, and even occasionally hatred towards Muslims for the simple reason that they are Muslim.

Sadly I’m not sure what exactly we can do to make people realize that his wave of anti-Islam is just as unfounded as the fear of witches so many years ago, but I know that every time I read an article like this I’m more than willing to do whatever is possible.

Just remember, the only people hurt when witches began their campaign against America were innocent people, and I don’t mean the so-called victims of witches.

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