Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Thoughts on the Nomination

At this point, I am overjoyed that Barack Obama won the nomination. I'm starting to shift into general election mode, though, most notably how Obama can kick McCain's wrinkly ass in November.

I think choosing Clinton as his running mate would be the worst idea ever. Hear that, Obama? Bad. Don't. Do it. Personally I like Bill Richardson, the governor of New Mexico, though I don't think it really matters at this point. Obama's a rock star, he has to either choose somebody as charismatic and awe-inspiring as he is or somebody who won't look like they're trying to compete. Richardson is low-key enough that he would not give off the competition vibe, but still competent to get stuff done.

In a perfect world, Obama would announce his full Cabinet. Secretary of State, Energy, Education, everything. Then he would say, "This is the team, as us our plan."

Then again, what do I know.

I'm terrified the Republicans are going to scare Americans into voting for them... again. My optimistic side is showing here and I'm loving it, but that makes me fear defeat even more. I am in love with the idea of a Barack Obama White House, and nothing is going to change that.

Anyways. I'm still thinking stuff out...anybody else have an opinion?


Angel Ojeda said...

Well, let's start with today's exciting news update. Sen. Clinton announced that she will publicly announce on Saturday that she supports Sen. Obama! That's huge after such a nasty speech she gave when not seceding from the primary on Tuesday and instead delivering possibly the most vicious and downright angry speech I've ever heard in the world of politics. The Dems can finally come together! Yeah!

As for VP, I like Richardson but I don't think he wants to ride backseat the most charismatic leader since JFK. (Sorry Reagan, you didn't inspire the collapse of the Iron Curtain. You were just there.) Maybe someone who's never considered a run for Presidency, like Jim Webb or a white Southerner, to balance the ticket. But I guess if we didn't need to balance the ticket, I'd love Bill Bradley. Gotta have some California love.

And on a lighter note, how about Michael Dukakis? Barack us Dukakis would quite possibly the coolest campaign slogan ever. Too bad his career is in the toilet...

Nicole said...

Oh Angel, did I sell you on Jim Webb?? Make no mistake... Webb has said some stuff that I definitely disagree with, but I feel like he will balance out the concerns people have about Obama. Plus, it'd be pretty nice to pick up some red states this fall. Richardson would be great as well.

Bottom line: NO 'UNITY' TICKET! I do not want Clinton anywhere near that VP slot- maybe it would be okay to have her as a cabinet member, but the idea of this so-called "dream ticket" makes me absolutely insane, for SO many reasons.

Dukakis... it's never happening! Stop trying to make it happen! :)

Jason Puz said...

It's definetely going to be an interesting election that's for sure.

I found a site that has a compliation of all the various state polls, and along with a New York Times article it looks definetly possible that Obama could win not only by taking swing states, but also by taking states that are traditionally Republican; for example Virginia, Missouri, Colorado, Montana, Nevada, and if its a really good election perhaps North and Carolina and maybe, just maybe, Mississippi, with the possible loss of Michigan. Some of those admittedly are long shots, but the fact that it right now looks possible to take another half dozen states that haven't been in play for years is exciting (as are the possibilities for the House and Senate)